
Thursday, November 27, 2014

#12 Don't Cry, Kit

是那年压迫害怕的感觉. 是否意味现在的我压力很大? 大到超越我的负荷了? 连我自己都没发现?
你误会了我的意思。 好想向你解释清楚。 只是这委屈只能永远是个心底话。 A和B的差别很大。 你建立了,却也毁了。
对不起。我今天失控了。 今天的我不是真正的我。 我该怎么告诉你我的歉意?
今天, 我哭了。 因为压力, 因为委屈, 因为明白, 也因为没人了解。
A familiar feeling. I might not be able to take it.
Stressed? Yes and it is more than that.
I cried today. 
Because of stress, because of grievance; 
I understand, and understand that no one will understand. 
Who cares?

Today's Quote:
The thing about feelings is that, if you cover your mouth, they'll come out from your eyes

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